2 Chronicles 7:14-15, the verses I have chosen for this past week are often used to encourage us to pray. There is a real condition here... If my people will do xyz then I will hear from heaven etc! The writer speaks about about a people who are called out by his name.
But what are these people to do?
1) humble themselves (to neither have high view or a low view but
a modest one!)
2) Pray & seek his face!
3) turn from wicked ways : Psalm 66: 18 says If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened . This really speaks about then importance about confessing our sins in prayer. But not only that to have a real life change.
Prayer is about a conversation. This means for us too we need to listen and allow the Lord to mould and shape our lives and the lives of those around.
So what happen as The Lords people turn to him in prayer. He will forgive them! Not only that but Lord will be attentively listen to their prayer and be prepared to act upon it!